Why FitBack

Why FitBack?
FitBack are a leading provider of Specialist Occupational Health Physiotherapy and Mental Health & Wellbeing Initiatives to businesses across the UK.
Established in 2007, we have years of experience working with many different industries from SME`s to FTSE 100 companies.
We get to know the businesses we work with inside and out which we feel is a key to our success. We only have experienced Physiotherapists in our team, with bags of patient mileage behind them, ensuring your employees receive the best treatment and advice.
Through experience, and discovering what really works, FitBack are constantly evolving. We really do understand the importance of a healthy workforce on a businesses bottom line.
Return On Investment (ROI)
One of our main outcome measures is Return To Work and our main aim is to help your employees back to work as quickly and safely as possible when they are absent. Our golden figure we strive to reduce for your business is the number of lost days to musculoskeletal issues. In a 12 month period we have been able to reduce this figure by 80% for some of the businesses we work with. This has represented a ROI of up to £20 for each £1 invested in our services.
Keeping everyone in the picture:
Communication with everyone involved in the management of musculoskeletal issues at work is crucial and is key to our success. Line mangers, senior managers, HR and Occupational Health all play vital roles in the process. Feedback following each of our onsite clinics ensures that everyone involved in the process is aware of the working status of each employee. Everyone is kept in the picture. This not only helps with work load planning but gives an indication immediately as to how long someone may be away from work for if necessary, or how long their duties may need to be amended for to ensure they are able to remain at work.
We are able to provide in house training for everyone involved in the management of MSK issues which ensures they are aware of their vital roles in the process.
The management information we provide can spot trends of injuries within your business so that proactive preventative work can be recommended. We provide regular reports on conditions seen, average number of treatments carried out, working status pre and post treatment and much more.
Quick access to physiotherapy:
With waiting times for NHS services on the increase, there can often be lengthy delays in employees receiving vital treatment which can prolong their absence from work. There has never been a more important time to look at alternatives to the NHS.
FitBack have in place, systems to ensure that employees receive fast track assessments, work specific treatment and rehabilitation, and the quickest and safest return to work
Through our regular onsite clinics and telephonic services we provide your employees with access to early treatment when they really need it. Physiotherapy treatment is more effective when problems are treated quickly and before they become chronic. If physical conditions are allowed to progress and time off work is required, other problems such as Psychosocial issues can arise which makes the return to work process that much harder. Quick access to Physiotherapy interventions is vital to prevent these problems from occurring.

FitBack have supported Morrisons over a number of years, to manage various Musculoskeletal health issues, by providing proactive and work focused advice that benefits both our colleagues and the business
Ella Collins
People Manager, Occupational Health & Wellbeing
Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc
Download our "Managing Aches and Pains" brochure